Well...the kids are doing great. Just tonight MJ came out of his room (after we had put him to bed mind you) with his shirt turned around on his arm in a fashion that I just couldn't fathom. He was standing in his normal spot in the hallway trying to get a glimpse of the TV (normal thing for him) and I heard him. I said MJ...you need to go to bed. He came down the hallway and said "my clothes are twisted up." When we saw what he had done (somehow his right shoulder was showing and the sleeve was twisted...but still on) Bill said, "how did that happen?" MJ's response: "I don't know." Priceless! I turned his shirt around and Bill took him off to bed stopping in the bathroom on the way. Bill had eaten some popcorn not 5 minutes before...and I hear MJ say to Bill, "I am sorry that I couldn't join in the fun of eating popcorn Dad." Twice in one night...priceless!!!!!
Samantha is proving to be every bit of a spitfire you could get in a 2 year old. That's right...she is almost two! She is adorable, sassy, smart, crazy, and fun. I think that rolls up into one great little kid. She is stacking blocks with the best of them...and she picks up on things really quick. She is very observant and loving. Just can't get enough! Three word phrases are coming very easy for her. GT program...here we come!
I have healed nicely with my last surgery being almost two weeks ago. I have no pain and will start scar therapy soon. I have truly been blessed through this process by the most supportive family in the world. Especially my loving husband. He has sat by my bedside making me laugh and heal. He doesn't mind the new knockers at all either! (Sorry to all of you who really didn't want to hear that.)
Last weekend I attended a conference at the Gilda House in Dallas with my Grandfather and Mother in Law. When I arrived I went to the first person with a name tag that I could find and told them that I was 1.5 weeks out of surgery and would love to talk if given the opportunity. Once pointed to the correct person...they were more than grateful to hear of my enthusiasm...especially seeing that one of the "patient panel" had come down sick. I wrote a quick 5-10 minute breakdown of my story and oila...a speaker I became! I loved participating and helping. I think that my story is different as it is positive. I fought cancer before it had the chance to get me. I really enjoyed having my Grandfather there to hear my side too. He is really an inspiration as he is 82 and still keeping on top of everything. It's amazing! Such an inspiration! So I am hoping to continue my speaking and have started my book. It will be a while before it is finished. I have a lot to say.
Bill is doing great. He is still working for Murder Mystery Players, working for my Dad on and off, and starts his course for his alternative teaching certificate in a couple of weeks. He will finish by the end of this year and we will see what happens at the beginning of next year. Great things to come!
Our house continues to keep us happy...it really is amazing! I have officially organized every part of the house...and continue to think of new things to do! What a great creative outlet!
We have also found an amazing church that we became members of yesterday. It's amazing to have a community of people that we can become a part of. Believe me...I have some ideas about what can be done there too! One has something to do with compost...but I digress.
We love you all and thank you for your love, prayers, and support through these last 4 months.