Monday, December 8, 2008

The positive news...

I have some "positive" news.

My Grandfather had a mastectomy this year. They found cancer in his breast. There is a gene called BRAC2 that is mutated in his DNA. He is doing well now, but my Dad and three other of his sisters and brothers went in to get tested to find out if they were positive for the gene. My Aunts, Uncle (and one cousin) found out that they were negative, but my Dad found out that he was positive.

I decided to test as a precaution. A week ago I found out that I am positive for the BRAC2 mutation as well. I will go into a breast specialist on the 17th to find out what the best options will be for my future. I have a very high risk of getting breast cancer because this mutation allows the cancer to grow instead of recognizing it as cancer and killing it. The reason we decided to find out is that I would like to take preventative measures.

The best way for me to lower my risk to what a normal person would have would be to do an early mastectomy and reconstruction. Here's where the positive part comes in! :) I have a lot of research to do, and a lot of prayers to say before we go that route. However I would rather go through a surgery like that than chemotherapy ANY DAY!!!!

The wonderful thing about this kind of communication is that I know that each of you out there can think a happy thought or pray for me and mine. This is going to be one big ride...I am lucky to have the family I do. Bill is an amazingly supportive husband and with the love of my beautiful children I will get through!

With that's hoping the rest of the family that choses to take the test comes out negative. With knowledge comes ability...ability to make the best choices possible. I know that I could live my whole life without contracting cancer...but I sure have a high mark on my "maybe" scale. I choose to do everything possible to make that maybe as small as I can...and maybe let some other things grow! Ah- come on...that was funny!

Love to you all!

These boots were made for walking you go! She grew right into these! She does have a little red spot on her nose from a dive she took off the sand box at Grandmas house...don't worry...Neosporin will get her right as rain!
I think we need to take MJ to the dentist.

MJ and Jack

MJ's best buddy Jack came to visit from California! They had some really big cookies...

They painted a little (I think Jack was trying to show MJ proper brush holding technique)

They watched some TV...

And they found themselves in the toy box!

It was a great trip and we thank Abbey for bringing him along on her trip! It was great to spend time watching these boys play together again. They really didn't miss a beat.