Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring? Are you here?

Hi ya'll! It's March...and the Texas weather is wreaking havoc on out little home. We all have a little too much drainage... and Sami currently holds the record for "most sick" with a double ear infection! UGH!

Bill's job (mentioned last month) is a perfect fit. He is the VP of West Coast Operations and a Senior Media Artisan! If that doesn't tell you how perfect this job is for him I don't know what does. (Well maybe that there is a "play corner" with Guitar Hero set up is another tell tale sign!)
He is loving it...fancy pants and all! He is producing industrial videos for corporations mostly Frito Lay. Check out the can learn

MJ is learning to read and do math. It amazes me! He and Sam are so darn cute together. They are playing together wonderfully now. It is fun for Bill and I to get the chance to sit back and watch them play. We did that today at the park...glorious!

Our Ninja turtle! I think considering Bill and I had never painted faces before we did darn good! This kid turned into a ninja in two seconds. He LOVED it!

This little lady can melt your heart with this smile! She is learning her ABC's and is just so active! She is starting to slow down...but only by the tiniest bit! She can sit for half of a movie now. That's pretty big!
MJ's tough guy look...a little more cute than tough if you ask me!
This night was amazing...we did some video taping which the kids wanted to immediately watch.'s going to be amazing to tell them someday that Mom and Dad used to have to wait to see pictures and had a piece of luggage as a video camera...not a travel pack of tissues!

Adorable! Her hair is growing so much.
Daddy filled the tub up a little too much with bubbles and water! Floating heads!
Strategic bubbles!

I have my first check up with my breast specialist since my surgery last year pretty soon. I am coming up on my one year anniversary soon. It's amazing what this last year has brought us. We are only a few weeks away from the year anniversary of our signing on our home! That is freaking amazing! Life is good...God has been watching out for us!

Love to you all...Happy Easter!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February...let it snow!

One great pic of me and my gal...Sami has grown so much since the beginning of the year. Listening to her talk up a storm and sing song her way through the day makes me grin. Our biggest hurdle at the moment is potty training...all in good time! Clearly "Sami's" time! I really like this photo!
So I have been itching to go sledding since the snow dropped more inches on our fair Texas land the past couple of days than it has in my life time! We bundled up the kids and ourselves as best as we could and "hit the slopes" of Frisco! The city park gave us a perfect spot for sledding...and it looked like a few other folks had the same idea! I don't know if any of them had as good a time as we did though!
My baby girl...not even three and brave enough to go head first!

We tried a few different methods when it came to our sledding equipment. The cookie sheet and blown up baby pools didn't do well...but the packaging from one of the products my company sells worked perfectly! Just a little cardboard with acetate around it...but it was definitely the best!
MJ away!!!!!

The kids have found another way to bond. They figured this one out on their own. I heard Sami giggling like crazy the other day and came around the corner to find them turning each other around on the sit-n-spin. Hilarious! It's great that they like each other so much! (Most days!)
One Extra large snowman in our front yard.
I love me some Saturday Mornings!

MJ was moving around the living room with the umbrella in his hand a few weeks ago. My light bulb went this is a pic of MJ as Gene Kelly. A very proud moment for me! (That is actually Singing in the Rain on the TV!)Our 2 year old going on 16! She really loves this dress...thanks Aunt Katie! She asked me to take pictures of her...Oh boy! She LOVES shoes...I know now that if I ever need to calm her down...we go to Payless!

In other news...
Bill has changed career paths again...sort of. I believe the last time I wrote he was still looking to finish his teaching certificate and start teaching next semester. Well...a guy he went to high school with has a video production company about 20 minutes south of our house and he was hired two weeks ago! He is really enjoying his time and feels that this really could be "it!" I couldn't be more happy for him. To have a job these days is a get to do something you enjoy is a miracle!

Happy Valentines everyone! Much love to all of you!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Hi ya'll!!! Happy 2010!

So another holiday season has come and gone...and we got some great photos to show for it! Since I have been such a loser and haven't published a post in more than three months...I think I will give you all a treat and show you some pictures before I write!

This is our house on the first snow of the season...Bill and I had just brought the kids back home from our Thanksgiving trip to KC and we really didn't want to go back to work. We were both pretty tired and when we saw the snow falling all the negativity about "getting back to real life" melted away! Those are the kids on the sidewalk...their first snow!
This was "Clark's" first attempt at 6305 Montgomery Dr.! He did a gosh darn great job!

This was our Christmas morning! It snowed for the second time of the season and we couldn't have been more blessed! Our Christmas morning started with snowmen, snowballs, and snow angels! How amazing! All after opening presents in our own home! So amazing!

The kids still love their sit-n-spins! Well, I should say that Bumblebee the Transformer and Fancy "Sami" love their sit-n-spins!
Watch out! The eyes alone will get you...every time!
Sami on Christmas Morning in her brand new dance outfit...holding the tail of her favorite stuffed kitty! Thanks Aunt Lora!

This one I took for Aunt Shelly (stripy pants!)...the hair sticking up on it's ends was a bonus!
Again with the super hero strong men!
We hope that this year brings everyone happiness and harmony. We are looking forward to some great fun in 2010. I will have to say I am a little sad that we don't have hover cars...I thought that we would by now.

Love to you all!