Bill's job (mentioned last month) is a perfect fit. He is the VP of West Coast Operations and a Senior Media Artisan! If that doesn't tell you how perfect this job is for him I don't know what does. (Well maybe that there is a "play corner" with Guitar Hero set up is another tell tale sign!)
He is loving it...fancy pants and all! He is producing industrial videos for corporations mostly Frito Lay. Check out the can learn
MJ is learning to read and do math. It amazes me! He and Sam are so darn cute together. They are playing together wonderfully now. It is fun for Bill and I to get the chance to sit back and watch them play. We did that today at the park...glorious!
I have my first check up with my breast specialist since my surgery last year pretty soon. I am coming up on my one year anniversary soon. It's amazing what this last year has brought us. We are only a few weeks away from the year anniversary of our signing on our home! That is freaking amazing! Life is good...God has been watching out for us!
Love to you all...Happy Easter!