So here we go...the last month has been BUSY! Let's dive in!!!
This has to be one of the most beautiful girls in the world...don't you think? She is talking up a storm and giving her brother one heck of a time! She has cut almost 12 teeth (I think) and is doing pretty well considering. She is 18 months old tomorrow! WOW!
And in other news....we are "under contract" on our first house!!!!!! HOLLLYYYYYY MOOOLLLYYYYY!!~!!!!~ We got pretty lucky on this's in the "Plantation Golf Resort" in Frisco...and she's real purty! We are expecting to close anytime between now and April 30th.
Here she is! We need to do a little bit of work...but luckily we know a guy! One of the other great things is that we get to pick out our own flooring (for the most part.) Apparently the folks that lived there before us had horrible taste in we get to install our own!
Also...I have booked my surgery for June 4th. Everything will start pretty early in the morning at Presbyterian Plano Center for Diagnostics and Surgery. I am having the double mastectomy and full hysterectomy that day. And don't tell Bill, but I plan to put in bionics too- you know, make me faster and stronger! I am pretty sure that I could kick some massive booty after I recover! :) I am very lucky to have great doctors and wonderful family to handle my surgery and recovery. We will keep everyone informed.
Love to you all!