The Hengstenberg Family
6305 Montgomery Dr
Frisco, Texas 75035
We don't have a land if you need to get in touch with us call our cells.
The weekend of April 18th we went to Tyler to meet with family (Bill's Grandfather, two Aunts and and Uncle...) and we had a great time. This is Sami with what I saw as her first real "this is my baby" moment. She was serious and adorable!
This one I took today. I was pretty impressed with both my camera and the miracle that is this child! This one is pretty amazing!
For Mothers Day we made flowers out of the kids hands on a tote bag that will also hold a picture of the kids painting the tote. I now wish that I would have made one for myself! Just adorable!
A big miracle happened within my extended family recently (most of you know about this, but I believe in telling everyone as it could save a life.) One of my cousin's sons got caught up in the blind cords in their playroom by his neck. Thanks to the quick work of his brother and Dad (as well as many other emergency personnel and his Mom)...he is 100% recovered. I am putting this on my blog to remind anyone with children that blind cords are dangerous and remind you to do whatever you can to protect your kids. This was one big accident with a happy ending...but you better believe my cousins are not only creating awareness, but changing their blinds so that this doesn't happen again. Do it for yourself...I am!
My surgery is coming up...less than 3 weeks away. Prayers...happy thoughts...meditation...whatever you do will be welcome on our side! I will be under anesthesia for a very long time (probably 8 hours or more) as they are doing everything at once. I am doing OK...but a little scared. I know that God has this one...
OK's late! I love you all and will talk to you after the surgery probably!